Tuesday, February 15, 2011

University in China: a model of higher education

Now China has already initiated a multi-level and multi format higher education system fundamentally comprehending all disciplines. Institution of higher learning in China include university in China and institutes or colleges for professional training. The length of study for regular undergraduates in institutions of higher learning is four years; for some majors, the period is five years. Colleges for professional training require three years, a few, two years.

The well-known university in China include Beijing University, Qinghua University, FudanUniversity, Nankai University, Chinese University of Science and Technology and Nanjing University. In 1997, there were 1020 institutions of higher learning like university in China with a total of 3.173 million students.

University and colleges in China conduct national unified entrance examinations. Students are selected on the basis of their test results, health and personal choice. Under the guidance of the State’s policy on employment, work units, and schools meet to coordinate supply and demand, and formulate a practical plan for employing recent graduates. Work units may select heir own employees, while graduates, in turn, may chose their employers.

As China established a socialist market economic system, it is also accelerating the pace of reform in the higher education system, shaping and trying to prefect a system that, while still macro managed by the state within an overall plan, turns institutions of university in China outward to face society giving schools autonomy in managing education.

Gradually a diversified university and college system will be formed funded in a variety of ways. Some schools will be primarily funded by the state supplemented by student fees and money raised by popular organizations of from private contributions.

Others will be a mirror image of this format relying on student fees and funds raised by popular organizations or from private contributions, supplemented by state funding. Still others will be locally run and self funded, or will be funded and managed by local enterprises and institutions, or in cooperation with foreign countries.

The grant and loan system will be continually improved. At present China is focusing its energies on carrying out the 211 project, effectively engineering and cultivating 100 major university and an en extensive group of important disciplines and areas of study with an eye turned toward the 21st century.

Postgraduates continue their education and training in institutions of higher learning and research institutes. Since the promulgation of the Ordinance on Academic Degrees by the Chinese Government in 1980, 349,600 students have received Master’s degrees, and 27,500 students doctorates. Today, graduate programs offering Masters and doctorate degrees have been established in most of the academic disciplines.

In 1997 China had 180,000 college graduates from university in China pursuing advanced degrees.

The university in China began to receive and train foreign students in 1950. By 1997 China had trained a total of more than 230,000 foreign students from over 150 countries. Meanwhile, China also sends students to study abroad.

Between 1978 and 1997, China sent nearly 300,000 students to more than 100 countries and regions; 100,000 of those have completed their studies and already returned home where they are given the opportunity to fully exploit their skills.

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